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  • Breaking writing

    The Power of a Smile


    Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Maya who lived in a small village. Maya was always cheerful, and her smile could light up the entire village. Everyone who met her loved her for her kindness and positivity.


    One day, an old man was passing through the village, looking sad and lonely. Maya noticed him and went up to him with a smile on her face. She asked him what was wrong, and he told her that he had lost his way and was feeling lost and hopeless. Maya listened to him carefully and then offered to take him to her home, where her family would be happy to help him.


    Maya's family welcomed the old man and provided him with food and a place to rest. The old man was touched by their kindness and was grateful to Maya for her help. Before leaving the village, he thanked Maya and told her that her smile had given him hope and the strength to continue his journey.


    Years went by, and Maya grew up to be a beautiful and kind-hearted woman. She got married and moved to a big city, but she never forgot the power of a smile. Whenever she saw someone who looked sad or lost, she would offer them a kind word or a smile. Her simple act of kindness would often brighten up their day and give them hope.


    One day, Maya received a letter from the old man she had helped many years ago. In the letter, he thanked her for her kindness and told her that he had never forgotten her smile. He wrote, "Your smile gave me the strength to keep going, and I have now found my way. I hope you continue to share your beautiful smile with the world, as it has the power to change lives."


    Maya was touched by the letter and realized that a small act of kindness could make a big difference in someone's life. From that day on, she continued to spread joy and kindness with her smile, knowing that it had the power to change the world, one person at a time.


    The end.

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